Phosphorylation site prediction


  • There are two issues remained to be solved:

    1. To improve accuracy in prediction of phosphorylation sites.
    2. To further discovery the cognate kinases corresponding to their phosphorylation sites.
  • There are also two difficulties mentioned by the phosphorylation site prediction:

    1. To find a standard rule for the protein kinase classification.
    2. To control/improve the false positive rate (FPR) for the large-scale prediction.
  • Prediction tools :

Name Link Desc
GPS 2.0 link a tool to predict kinase-specific phosphorylation sites in hierarchy
Phopho.ELM link a database of experimentally verified phosphorylation sites in eukaryotic proteins
ScanSite link Proteome-wide prediction of cell signaling interactions using short sequence motifs
PhoScan link Prediction by log-odds ratio or consensus sequences

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