Quick Reference


desc api
declear a list $newList = array();
push a element array_push($newList,"newElements");
pop a element $getElement = array_pop($newList);
exists in a list if(in_array("checkEles", $newList))
the length of a list $listLen = count($newList);


desc api
declear a hash $emptyHashList = array();
key exists in list if(array_key_exists("key1", $newHashList))
add a pair $newHashList["new_key"] = "new_value";
modify the value of the key $preparedForDelete["k5"] = "new_v5";
delete a pair unset($preparedForDelete["k4"]);
delete the whole Hash unset($preparedForDelete);
show the whole key $getAllKey = array_keys($newHashList);

Regular Expression

desc api
Match and Test a String if(preg_match("/motif_(\S)_(\d*).png/",$getStr))
Extract from the string preg_match("/motif_(\S)_(\d*).png/",$getStr,$matches_in_array);

Function declear

desc api
declear a function function funName($str1, $str2) { return ($var); }

results matching ""

    No results matching ""