
label desc
self self-constructed functions


desc api
declear a list var newList = [ ];
push a element newList.push(100);
pop a element var getEle = newList.pop();
index of the element var index = newList.indexOf(10);
exists in a list if(newList.indexOf(10) > -1)
delete the element newList.splice(newList.indexOf(10),1);
the length of a list var listlen = newList.length;


desc api
declear a hash var newHash = { };
add the pair newHash["key1"] = "value1";
delete a pair newHash.splice("key2",1);
key exists in hash var boolRes = "key1" in newHash;
modify the value newHash["key1"] = "new_value1";
length of dictionary [self] [EnhancedJS.js] var dictLen = getDictionaryLength(newHash);

Function declear

desc api
declear a function function funName = function(parm1, param2) { return (); }
declear a function var funName = function(parm1, param2) { return (); }

Regular expression

desc api
Regular Expression var re = /^([\w-]+(?:.[\w-]+))@((?:[\w-]+.)\w[\w-]{0,66}).([a-z]{2,6}(?:.[a-z]{2})?)$/i;
Test a String var boolRes = re.test(var testString);
Extract from the string var getHcodeTtl = "hcode d31b3".match(/hcode\t(\S*)/i);

results matching ""

    No results matching ""