Quick Reference

Data Type

api desc
my $var = 100; define a variable
my $varToStr = $var." is a string\n"; concatenate as string
my $var = "100"; transform into string
my $varToInt = $var + 200; to integer
my $varToFloat = $var + 200.12; to float


# for loop-index                
for(my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { }
# for-each loop
my @total = ("is","a","string.");
foreach my $element (@total) { }
# while loop
my %hash = ( "k1" => "v1", "k2" => "v3", "k3" => "v3");
while(($key,$value)=each %hash) { }

System interaction

# count the parameters passed
my $total = scalar(@ARGV);
# show the parameters, start from 0, the first parameter, not file name
for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@ARGV); $i++) { }


# declear function
sub getNum {
    my ($getString, $getOption) = @_;
    return 1;
# use function
my $getRes = getNum("input",1);


api desc
my @aList = (123,"A","the string"); declear a list
push(@aList,"new element"); push a element
my $getEle = pop(@aList); pop a element
scalar(@aList); length of a list
if(existInList("element",@aList)) [self][common.pl] length of a list
indexOfList("A", @aList) [self][common.pl] length of a list


api desc
my %newHash = (); declear a hash
my $allKey = keys(%newHash); all keys
my $allValue = values(%newHash); all values
$newHash{"testKey"} = "testValue"; replace a value by its key
if(exists ($newHash{"testKey"})) check key exists
length(keys(%newHash)) length
$newHash{"newKey"} = "newValue"; add a pair
delete $newHash{"newKey"}; delete the pair

File I/O

# Read file
open(fin,"data.txt") or die("Error: File input error.\n");
foreach my $line (<fin>) { }
# Write file
open(fout,"> data.out") or die("Error: File output error.\n");
print fout $i."\n";

results matching ""

    No results matching ""