Basis Command

Download, install, activate and set MySQL service activated after boot

Linux(CentOS 6 x86_64) Windows 7
# yum install mysql
# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart
# chkconfig --level 15 mysqld on
Installer from MySQL official website.
Click the installer to install MySQL server.

Show the users, Create user accessing MySQL server and delete user from it

If the following message showed after using root as a database user for a service or application, for example, joomla web-service.

ERROR 1045(28000) : Access denied for user 'root@localhost' (using password: NO)

You could simply use the following command to access the MySQL service:

# mysql -u root -p

Show all users accessing MySQL servers:

# method.1
mysql > desc mysql.user;

# method.2
mysql > select Host, User from mysql.user;
  • The command, desc, was used to show columns(properties of each entry) of the table.
  • The table, mysql.user, maintains all users which can access the MySQL server.
  • The basic command of MySQL is "select (columns) from (tables) where (property_1) and (property_2) ;".

Create a user which can access MySQL server:

mysql > create user 'test01'@'localhost' identified by 'test01';
mysql > grant select,insert,update on test.* to 'test01'@'localhost';

The basic format of create user of MySQL is

mysql > create user '<username>'@'<Host>' identified by '<Password>';
  • The pair, '(content)', is used for surrounding the content.
  • Host could be localhost or other location special for one user.

The basic format of setting the privilege of user within MySQL is

mysql > grant OPTIONS on TARGETS to USERS;

The command to set the user who has highest privilege to all tables of all databases is:

mysql > grant all on *.* to 'test01'@'localhost';

The OPTIONS means the action which be token as the following:


Delete the user which can access MySQL server:

mysql > drop user 'test01'@'localhost';

The basic format of deleting the user which can access MySQL server is:

mysql > drop user '<username>'@'Host';

Show databases of MySQL server, Create and Delete a database in MySQL server

The command to show the total databases within the MySQL Server:

mysql > show databases;

Create a database, named temp, within the MySQL server:

mysql > create database temp;

Delete a database, named temp, from the MySQL server:

mysql > drop database temp;

Use a database, named temp, for further accessing data, operating data within it:

mysql > use temp;

Show the tables from the database named temp:

mysql > show tables from temp;

Show tables from database, Create and delete a table from a database

Show the tables from a database:

mysql > show tables from temp;

The basic format showing the tables from the database is: show tables from 'database name'; .

Create a table within the database named temp:

mysql > use temp;
mysql > create table t1 (
        -> name VARCHAR(75),
        -> breed VARCHAR(75),
        -> description TEXT,
        -> PRIMARY KEY(id)
        -> );

The basic format to create a table within the database is:

  • mysql > create table 'table name' (definition);
  • The definitions are consist of several pairs containing column name and its data type(size), e.g. id INT.
  • The primary key is the smallest subset to represent each entry different in the table. It is unique from entries.

Show the index information of the table:

mysql > show index from t1;

Show the columns (properties) of the tables; (there are several commands showing the similar result)

mysql > desc t1;
mysql > show columns from t1;
mysql > describe t1;
  • Basic format to show the columns of the table is: desc 'tablename' ;

Delete the table from the database;

mysql > drop table t1;

Alter the setting of the table defined before:

#Rename the table:
mysql > alter table t1 rename t2;

#Re-define the data type of the column:
mysql > alter table t2 name TEXT;

#Change the column with its data type:
mysql > alter table t2 change name sign VARCHAR(75);

#Add a new column named 'place' into the table:
mysql > alter table t2 add place VARCHAR(100);

#Remove a column named 'place' from the table:
mysql > alter table t2 drop column place;

#Add a column as a index:
mysql > alter table t2 add index(place);

Optimize the table into the best status:

mysql > optimize table t2;

Insert, delete, update entries into the database

Insert a entry into the table:

mysql > insert into t1(sign,breed) values("dog","dog");

Show entries within the table:

mysql > select id,breed from t1 where sign="dog";

The basic format of searching the data is:

select (columns or * for all) from (table) where (conditions);

Update a entry within the table:

mysql > update t1 set breed="newDog" where id=1 and sign="dog";

The basic format of updating the data is:

update (table) set column=(new value) where (conditions);

Replace a entry from the table:

mysql > replace into t1(id,sign,breed) values("1","aDog","aDog");
  • If there is the same primary key matching, this new setting would be replaced with the entry within the table.

  • If there is no matching, this new setting would be added into the table as the same action with insert command.

Delete a entry from the table:

mysql > delete from t1 where id="3" and sign="abc";

The basic format of updating the data is:

delete from (table) where (conditions);

Other commands

The executing environment:

mysql > show status;

The MySQL environment and setting:

mysql > show variables;

The status of user accessing MySQL server:

mysql > show processlist;

To change the root password of mysql(or mariadb): ( -p'xxx' is connecting )

$ mysqladmin -u root -p'oldpassword' password 'newpass'

results matching ""

    No results matching ""