Change Language Selector
$ sudo vim /etc/ckan/default/production.ini
|- snippets/
|- language_selector.html
|- customized_language_selector.html
- customized_language_selector.html 內容為
{% set current_url = request.environ.CKAN_CURRENT_URL %}
{% set current_lang = request.environ.CKAN_LANG %}
{# customized : show only English and Chinese and put on the top of page #}
{% set locale_option = ["en","zh_TW"] %}
{% for locale in h.get_available_locales() %}
{% if locale in locale_option %}
<li><a href="{% url_for current_url, locale=locale %}">
{# customized #}
{% if locale.english_name == "Chinese (Taiwan)" %}
{{ _('中文(臺灣)') }}
{% else %}
{{ locale.display_name }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}