

  • 透過 github 直接安裝於 ckan 中
# 進入虛擬環境
. /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate

# 透過 pip 進行安裝
pip install -e 'git+'

# 安裝完後會置於底下環境
  |- ckanext/pages/
    |- theme/
      |- templates_main/
        |- header.html    # 登入後的編輯窗格
        |- ckanext_pages/
          |- page.html  # page 的網站地圖(注意 plugin 中的 after_map 定義), 主呈現頁面
          |- blog.html  # blog 的網站地圖(注意 plugin 中的 after_map 定義), blog 清單列表
          |- blog.list  # blog 
            |- snippets/pages_list.html # blog 與 pages 的編輯頁面
          |- base_form.html  # 修改 page 或 blog 的編輯表格
    |- : 修改主選單

使用 pages plugin

# 於組態檔中使用此 plugin
vim /etc/ckan/default/production.ini

# 並於 ckan.plugins 中加入 pages
ckan.plugins = pages

# ckeanext-pages settings : 使用不同的 editor,預設為 markdown
#ckanext.pages.editor = ckeditor


  • 主要修改欄位資料位置如下
  |- ckanext/pages/
    |- # schema, __page_list, _page_update
    |- # org_edit, group_edit
    |- # init_db x 2 (sql 指令, 有新增要加上 DROP TABLE ckanext_pages; 無則刪除此行)
    |- (TextBoxView,, build_pages_nav_main x 2)  # 同時也是修改 page 與 blog 主選單
      |- theme/
        |- templates_main/
          |- ckanext_pages/
            |- base_form.html  # 修改欄位
  • 修改 內容如下

# customized : add english and chinese
schema = {
    'id': [p.toolkit.get_validator('ignore_empty'), unicode],
    'title': [p.toolkit.get_validator('not_empty'), unicode],
    'ename': [p.toolkit.get_validator('not_empty'), unicode],
    'cname': [p.toolkit.get_validator('not_empty'), unicode],
    'name': [p.toolkit.get_validator('not_empty'), unicode,
             p.toolkit.get_validator('name_validator'), page_name_validator],
    'content': [p.toolkit.get_validator('ignore_missing'), unicode],
    'econtent': [p.toolkit.get_validator('ignore_missing'), unicode],
    'page_type': [p.toolkit.get_validator('ignore_missing'), unicode],
  #  'lang': [p.toolkit.get_validator('not_empty'), unicode],
    'order': [p.toolkit.get_validator('ignore_missing'),
    'private': [p.toolkit.get_validator('ignore_missing'),
    'group_id': [p.toolkit.get_validator('ignore_missing'), unicode],
    'user_id': [p.toolkit.get_validator('ignore_missing'), unicode],
    'created': [p.toolkit.get_validator('ignore_missing'),
    'publish_date': [not_empty_if_blog,


def _pages_list(context, data_dict):

    # customized
    for pg in out:
        parser = HTMLFirstImage()
        img = parser.first_image
        pg_row = {'title': pg.title,
                  'ename': pg.ename,
                  'cname': pg.cname,
                  'content': pg.content,
                  'econtent': pg.econtent,
                  'publish_date': pg.publish_date.isoformat() if pg.publish_date else None,
                  'group_id': pg.group_id,
                  'page_type': pg.page_type,
        if img:
            pg_row['image'] = img
        extras = pg.extras
        if extras:
    return out_list


def _pages_update(context, data_dict):
    items = ['title', 'ename', 'cname', 'content', 'econtent', 'name', 'private',
             'order', 'page_type', 'publish_date']
  • 修改 內容如下
def group_edit(self, id, page=None, data=None, errors=None, error_summary=None):

        if p.toolkit.request.method == 'POST' and not data:
            data = p.toolkit.request.POST
            # customized
            items = ['title', 'ename', 'cname', 'name', 'content', 'econtent', 'private']
            # update config from form
            for item in items:
                if item in data:
                    _page[item] = data[item]
            _page['org_id'] = p.toolkit.c.group_dict['id']
            _page['page'] = page
                junk = p.toolkit.get_action('ckanext_pages_update')(
            except p.toolkit.ValidationError, e:
                errors = e.error_dict
                error_summary = e.error_summary
                return self.group_edit(id, '/' + page, data,
                                 errors, error_summary)
            p.toolkit.redirect_to(p.toolkit.url_for('group_pages', id=id, page='/' + _page['name']))


def org_edit(self, id, page=None, data=None, errors=None, error_summary=None):


        if p.toolkit.request.method == 'POST' and not data:
            data = p.toolkit.request.POST
            # customized
            items = ['title', 'ename', 'cname', 'name', 'content', 'econtent', 'private']
            # update config from form
            for item in items:
                if item in data:
                    _page[item] = data[item]
            _page['org_id'] = p.toolkit.c.group_dict['id'],
            _page['page'] = page
                junk = p.toolkit.get_action('ckanext_pages_update')(
            except p.toolkit.ValidationError, e:
                errors = e.error_dict
                error_summary = e.error_summary
                return self.org_edit(id, '/' + page, data,
                                 errors, error_summary)
            p.toolkit.redirect_to(p.toolkit.url_for('organization_pages', id=id, page='/' + _page['name']))
  • 修改 內容如下
    1. 重新安裝時,若有新增欄位,則要加上 DROP TABLE ckanext_pages;
    2. 重新安裝時,若無新增欄位,則再將 DROP TABLE ckanext_pages; 移除
def init_db(model):


    # We will just try to create the table.  If it already exists we get an
    # error but we can just skip it and carry on.

    # customized
    sql = '''
                CREATE TABLE ckanext_pages (
                    id text NOT NULL,
                    title text,
                    ename text,
                    cname text,
                    name text,
                    content text,
                    econtent text,
                    lang text,
                    "order" text,
                    private boolean,
                    group_id text,
                    user_id text NOT NULL,
                    created timestamp without time zone,
                    modified timestamp without time zone


    pages_table = sa.Table('ckanext_pages', model.meta.metadata,
        sa.Column('id', types.UnicodeText, primary_key=True, default=make_uuid),
        sa.Column('title', types.UnicodeText, default=u''),
        sa.Column('ename', types.UnicodeText, default=u''),
        sa.Column('cname', types.UnicodeText, default=u''),
        sa.Column('name', types.UnicodeText, default=u''),
        sa.Column('content', types.UnicodeText, default=u''),
        sa.Column('econtent', types.UnicodeText, default=u''),
        sa.Column('lang', types.UnicodeText, default=u''),
        sa.Column('order', types.UnicodeText, default=u''),
        sa.Column('group_id', types.UnicodeText, default=None),
        sa.Column('user_id', types.UnicodeText, default=u''),
        sa.Column('publish_date', types.DateTime),
        sa.Column('page_type', types.DateTime),
        sa.Column('created', types.DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow),
        sa.Column('modified', types.DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow),
        sa.Column('extras', types.UnicodeText, default=u'{}'),
  • 修改 內容
def build_pages_nav_main(*args):

    for page in pages_list:
        if page['page_type'] == 'blog':
            # customized
            link = h.link_to( h.getLangLabel(page['ename'], page['cname']),
                             h.url_for('/blog/' + str( page['name'] )))
            # customized
            link = h.link_to( h.getLangLabel(page['ename'], page['cname']),
                             h.url_for('/pages/' + str( page['name'] )))

        if page['name'] == page_name:
            li = h.literal('<li class="active">') + link + h.literal('</li>')
            li = h.literal('<li>') + link + h.literal('</li>')
        output = output + li


def TextBoxView(p.SingletonPlugin):

    def info(self):
        schema = {
            'content': [ignore_missing],
            'econtent': [ignore_missing],

        # customized
        return {'name': 'wysiwyg',
                'ename': 'Free Text',
                'cname': 'Free Text',
                'title': 'Free Text',
                'icon': 'pencil',
                'iframed': False,
                'schema': schema,

  • 安裝此
# 透過 安裝
cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckanext-pages/
python ./ install

# 重啟 ckan
sudo restart ckan
  • 設計新的編輯畫面
# 主要編輯路徑如下
  |- ckanext/pages/
    |- theme/
      |- templates_main/
        |- ckanext_pages/
          |- base_form.html  # 修改欄位
  • 修改 base_form.html 內容如下
{% import 'macros/form.html' as form %}
{% import 'macros/wysiwyg.html' as wysiwyg %}

{% set data = data or {} %}
{% set errors = errors or {} %}

{% if type == 'org' %}
  {% set action_url = h.url_for('organization_pages_edit', id=id, page='/' + page) %}
  {% set cancel_url = h.url_for('organization_pages_index', id=id) %}
  {% set slug_prefix = cancel_url ~ '/' %}
  {% set slug_domain = h.url_for('organization_pages_index', id=id, qualified=true) %}
  {% set hide_field_order = true %}
{% elif type == 'group' %}
  {% set action_url = h.url_for('group_pages_edit', id=id, page='/' + page) %}
  {% set cancel_url = h.url_for('group_pages_index', id=id) %}
  {% set slug_prefix = cancel_url ~ '/' %}
  {% set slug_domain = h.url_for('group_pages_index', id=id, qualified=true) %}
  {% set hide_field_order = true %}
{% elif type == 'blog' %}
  {# customized #}
  {% set action_url = h.url_for('blog_edit', id=id, page='/' + page) %}
  {% set cancel_url = h.url_for('blog_index') %}
  {% set slug_prefix = cancel_url ~ '/' %}
  {% set slug_domain = h.url_for('blog_index', qualified=true) %}
  {% if page %}
     {% set delete_url = h.url_for('blog_delete', page='/' + %}
  {% endif %}
{% else %}
  {# customized #}
  {% set action_url = h.url_for('pages_edit', id=id, page='/' + page) %}
  {% set cancel_url = h.url_for('pages_index') %}
  {% set slug_prefix = cancel_url ~ '/' %}
  {% set slug_domain = h.url_for('pages_index', qualified=true) %}
  {% if page %}
     {% set delete_url = h.url_for('pages_delete', page='/' + %}
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if type == 'blog' %}
    {% if not page %}
      <h1>{{ h.getLangLabel("Add Blog Article","加入文章") }}</h1>
    {% else %}
      <h1>{{ h.getLangLabel("Edit Blog Article","編輯文章") }}</h1>
    {% endif %}
    {% set url_placeholder = 'eg. my-blog-article' %}
    {% set title_placeholder = _('eg. Blog Article Title') %}
{% else %}
    {% if not page %}
      <h1>{{ h.getLangLabel("Add Page","加入頁面") }}</h1>
    {% else %}
      <h1>{{ h.getLangLabel("Edit Page","編輯頁面") }}</h1>
    {% endif %}
    {% set url_placeholder = 'eg. my-page' %}
    {% set title_placeholder = _('eg. Page Title') %}
{% endif %}

<form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="{{ action_url }}" data-module="basic-form">
  {# customized #}
  {{ form.input('title', id='field-title', label=h.getLangLabel("Website","網址"), placeholder=title_placeholder, value=data.title, error=errors.title, classes=['control-full', 'control-large'], attrs={'data-module': 'slug-preview-target'}) }}

  {% set domain = slug_domain|replace("http://", "")|replace("https://", "") %}
  {% set attrs = {'data-module': 'slug-preview-slug', 'data-module-prefix': domain~'/', 'data-module-placeholder': '<page>'} %}
  {{ form.prepend('name', id='field-name', label=_('URL'), prepend=slug_prefix, placeholder=_(url_placeholder),,, attrs=attrs) }}

  {# customized #}
  {{ form.input('publish_date', id='field-publish_date', label=h.getLangLabel("Publish Date","發布日期"), placeholder=_('2005-01-01'), value=data.publish_date, error=errors.publish_date, classes=[], attrs={'data-module': 'datepicker', 'data-date-format': 'yyyy-mm-dd'}) }}

  {% block extra_pages_form %}
  {% endblock extra_pages_form %}

  {# customized #}
  {{ form.input('name', id='field-name', label=_('name'), placeholder=_('name'), }} 
  {{ form.input('ename', id='field-name', label=h.getLangLabel("Title in English","英文標題"), placeholder=h.getLangLabel("Title in English","英文標題"), value=data.ename) }}
  {{ form.input('cname', id='field-name', label=h.getLangLabel("Title in Chinese","中文標題"), placeholder=h.getLangLabel("Title in Chinese","中文標題"), value=data.cname) }}

  <div class="control-group">
    <label for="field-private" class="control-label">{{ _('Visibility') }}</label>
    <div class="controls">
      <select id="field-private" class="form-control" name="private">
        {% for option in [(true, _('Private')), (false, _('Public'))] %}
        <option value="{{ option[0] }}" {% if option[0] == data.private %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ option[1] }}</option>
        {% endfor %}

  {% if not hide_field_order %}
    <div class="control-group">
      <label for="field-order" class="control-label">{{ h.getLangLabel("Menu Order","選單順序") }}</label>
      <div class="controls">
        <select id="field-order" class="form-control" name="order">
            {% for option in [('', h.getLangLabel("Not in Menu","不放入選單")), ('1','1'), ('2', '2'), ('3', '3') , ('4', '4')] %}
          <option value="{{ option[0] }}" {% if option[0] == data.order %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ option[1] }}</option>
          {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}

  {% set editor = h.get_wysiwyg_editor() %}
  {% if editor == 'medium' %}
    {{ wysiwyg.editor('content', id='field-content', label=_('Content'), placeholder=_('Enter content here'), value=data.content|safe, error=errors.content) }}
  {% elif editor == 'ckeditor' %}
    {% resource 'ckanext-pages/main' %}
    <div class="control-group">
        <label for="field-content-ck" class="control-label">{{ h.getLangLabel("Content","內容") }}</label>
    <textarea id="field-content-ck" name="content" placeholder="{{_('My content')}}" data-module="ckedit" style="height:400px" data-module-site_url="{{ h.dump_json(h.url('/', locale='default', qualified=true)) }}"> {{ data.content }}</textarea>
  {% else %}
    {# customized #}
    {{ form.markdown('content', id='field-content', label=h.getLangLabel("Content in Chinese","中文內容"), placeholder=h.getLangLabel("Content in Chinese","中文內容"), value=data.content, error=errors.content) }}
    {{ form.markdown('econtent', id='field-content', label=h.getLangLabel("Content in English","英文內容"), placeholder=h.getLangLabel("Content in English","英文內容"), value=data.econtent, error=errors.content) }}
  {% endif %}

  <div class="form-actions">
    {% if not page %}
      <a class="btn pull-left" href="{{ cancel_url }}">{{ _('Cancel') }}</a>
      <button class="btn btn-primary" name="save" value="save" type="submit">{{ _('Add') }}</button>
    {% else %}

      {% block delete_button %}
        {% if h.check_access('ckanext_pages_delete', {'id':})  %}
          {% set locale = h.dump_json({'content': _('Are you sure you want to delete this Page?')}) %}
          <a class="btn btn-danger pull-left" href="{{ delete_url }}" data-module="confirm-action" data-module-i18n="{{ locale }}">{% block delete_button_text %}{{ _('Delete') }}{% endblock %}</a>
        {% endif %}
      {% endblock %}

      <button class="btn btn-primary" name="save" value="save" type="submit">{{ _('Save') }}</button>
    {% endif %}

  • 重新安裝並重啟服務
# 透過 安裝
cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckanext-pages/
python ./ install

# 重啟服務
sudo restart ckan
  • 結果如下圖


  • 路徑如下
  |- ckanext/pages/
    |- theme/
      |- templates_main/
        |- ckanext_pages/
          |- blog_list.html  # blog 
              |- snippets/pages_list.html # blog 與 pages 的列表
  • 修改 snippets/pages_list.html 內容如下
{% set pages_total = pages|length %}
{% set action = '{0}_show'.format(type) %}

{% if type == 'blog' %}
  <h2>{{ _('1 blog article') if pages_total == 1 else _('{0} blog articles').format(pages_total) }}</h2>
{% else %}
  <h2>{{ _('1 page') if pages_total == 1 else _('{0} pages').format(pages_total) }}</h2>
{% endif %}

{% if type == 'blog' %}
  <h2>{{ h.getLangLabel("News List","訊息列表") }}</h2>
{% else %}
  <h2>{{ h.getLangLabel("Pages List","頁面列表") }}</h2>
{% endif %}

{% if pages %}
  {% set editor = h.get_wysiwyg_editor() %}

    {% for page in pages %}
      {% if id %} {# this is for orgs and groups #}
        {% set url = h.url_for(controller='ckanext.pages.controller:PagesController', action=action, id=id, page='/' + %}
      {% elif type == 'blog' %}
        {% set url = h.url_for(controller='ckanext.pages.controller:PagesController', action='blog_show', page='/' + %}
      {% else %}
        {% set url = h.url_for(controller='ckanext.pages.controller:PagesController', action='pages_show', page='/' + %}
      {% endif %}
      <div class="row page-list-item dataset-item">
      {% if page.image %}
        <div class="span3 image">
          <a style="background-image:url({{ page.image }})" href="{{ url }}">
        <div class="span8">
           <h3 class="dataset-heading">
              {# customized #}
              <a href="{{ url }}" ><i class="icon-pushpin"></i> {{ h.getLangLabel(page.ename, page.cname) }}</a>
              {% if page.publish_date %}
                 <small class="date"> {{ h.render_datetime(page.publish_date) }} </small>
              {% endif %}
            {% if page.content %}
              {% if editor %}
                {{h.getLangLabel(page.econtent, page.content)|striptags|truncate}}
              {% else %}
                {{ h.markdown_extract(h.getLangLabel(page.econtent, page.content)) }}
              {% endif %}
            {% else %}
              <p class="empty">{{ _('This page currently has no content') }}</p>
            {% endif %}
      {% else %}
        <div class="span11">
          <h3 class="dataset-heading">
            <a href="{{ url }}" ><i class="icon-pushpin"></i> {{ h.getLangLabel(page.ename, page.cname) }}</a>
            {% if page.publish_date %}
               <small class="date"> {{ h.render_datetime(page.publish_date) }} </small>
            {% endif %}
          {% if page.content %}
            {% if editor %}
              {{h.getLangLabel(page.econtent, page.content)|striptags|truncate}}
            {% else %}
              {{ h.markdown_extract(h.getLangLabel(page.econtent, page.content)) }}
            {% endif %}
          {% else %}
            <p class="empty">{{ _('This page currently has no content') }}</p>
          {% endif %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

{% else %}
    {% if type == 'blog' %}
      <p class="empty">{{ _('There are currently no blog articles here') }}</p>
    {% else %}
      <p class="empty">{{ _('There are currently no pages here') }}</p>
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}
  • 修正 templates_main/ckanext_pages/blog.html 內容 : blog 清單內容,包含加入網站地圖
{% extends 'page.html' %}
{% block bodytag %}{{ super() }} class="blog"{% endblock %}
{% block subtitle %}{{ }}{% endblock %}

{# customized #}
{% block toolbar %}
    <div class="toolbar">
        {% block breadcrumb %}
            <ol class="breadcrumb">
                {% snippet 'snippets/home_breadcrumb_item.html' %}
                <li class="active">{% link_for h.getLangLabel(,|truncate(35), controller='ckanext.pages.controller:PagesController', action='blog_show', page='/' + %}</li>
        {% endblock %}
{% endblock %}

{% block primary_content %}
  <section class="module-content">
    {% if h.check_access('ckanext_pages_update') %}
      {% link_for _('Edit'), controller='ckanext.pages.controller:PagesController', action='blog_edit', page='/' +, class_='btn btn-primary pull-right', icon='edit' %}
    {% endif %}
    <h1 class="page-heading">{{ h.getLangLabel(, }}</h1>
      {% if %}
         <span class="muted date"> {{ h.render_datetime( }} </span>
      {% endif %}
    {% if %}
      {% set editor = h.get_wysiwyg_editor() %}
      {% if editor %}
      {% else %}
        {{ h.render_content(h.getLangLabel(, }}
      {% endif %}
    {% else %}
      <p class="empty">{{ _('This page currently has no content') }}</p>
    {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

{% block secondary_content %}
{% set posts = h.get_recent_blog_posts(number=5, %}

  <div class="module module-narrow module-shallow">
    <h2 class="module-heading">
      {# customized #}
      {{ h.getLangLabel("history","歷史訊息") }}
    <div class="module-content">
        {% for post in posts %}
            <div class="blog-title">
                <h3 class="dataset-heading">
                    <a href="{{ h.url_for(controller='ckanext.pages.controller:PagesController', action='blog_show', page='/' + }}">{{ h.getLangLabel(post.ename, post.cname) }}</a>
                    {% if post.publish_date %}
                        <small> {{ h.render_datetime(post.publish_date) }} </small>
                    {% endif %}
            <div class="blog-content">
                {{ h.markdown_extract(h.getLangLabel(post.econtent,post.content)) }}
                {% if post.publish_date %}
                   <a class="btn btn-small btn-primary more" href="{{ h.url_for(controller='ckanext.pages.controller:PagesController', action='blog_show', page='/' + }}">{{ _('More') }}</a>
                {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}

{% resource 'ckanext-pages/blog' %}
{% endblock %}
  • 修正 templates_main/ckanext_pages/page.html 內容 : page 清單內容,包含加入網站地圖
{% extends 'page.html' %}

{% block subtitle %}{{ }}{% endblock %}

{# customized #}
{% block toolbar %}
    <div class="toolbar">
        {% block breadcrumb %}
            <ol class="breadcrumb">
                {% snippet 'snippets/home_breadcrumb_item.html' %}
                <li class="active">{% link_for h.getLangLabel(,|truncate(35), controller='ckanext.pages.controller:PagesController', action='pages_show', page='/' + %}</li>
        {% endblock %}
{% endblock %}

{% block primary %}
  <section class="module-content">
    {% if h.check_access('ckanext_pages_update') %}
      {% link_for _('Edit'), controller='ckanext.pages.controller:PagesController', action='pages_edit', page='/' +, class_='btn btn-primary pull-right', icon='edit' %}
    {% endif %}
    {# customized #}
    {% if %}
      <h1 class="page-heading">{{ h.getLangLabel(, }}</h1>
      <div class="ckanext-pages-content">
        {% set editor = h.get_wysiwyg_editor() %}
        {% if editor %}
        {% else %}
          {# customized #}
          {{ h.getLangLabel(h.render_content(,h.render_content( }}
          {% if == "Suggestion" %}
              {% snippet "snippets/disqus.html" %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
    {% else %}
      <p class="empty">{{ _('This page currently has no content') }}</p>
    {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

{% block secondary %}{% endblock %}
  • 移除 sql 中 drop database 指令,重新安裝並重啟服務
# 編輯 
cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckanext-pages/
vim ./ckanext/pages/

# 將 drop database 指令去除 ** DROP TABLE ckanext_pages; ** 如下
sql = '''
                CREATE TABLE ckanext_pages (
                    id text NOT NULL,
                    title text,
# 透過 安裝
cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckanext-pages/
python ./ install

# 重啟服務
sudo restart ckan

results matching ""

    No results matching ""