

  • 當該組織需有效性管理帳號時,可以透過申請單方式進行

透過前端 javascript 建立列印表單

  • 於 javascript library 中建立要呈現的表單格式
(default) $ vim /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/ckan/public/base/javascript/custom/register.js
  • 函式內容如下
* desc : print the desired content of html
* param@appType : 新增/變更
* param@acc : 帳號 (英文數字)
* param@fullName : UTF-8 格式字串
* param@getDate : yyyy-MM-DD
* param@org : 要加入的組織
* param@email : 使用的 email
function printDiv(
) {
  // get the inner content
  var oldPage = document.body.innerHTML;
  var oldTitle = document.title;

  // reset the content for printing
  var content = "";
  content += "<html><head><title>帳號開通變更申請單</title></head><body>";
  content += '<h1 style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">組織名稱</h1>';
  content += '<h3 style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">開放資料平台帳號申請/異動單</h3>';
  content += '<table class="table table-header table-hover table-bordered text-center" style="width: 100%;">';
  content += '<col width="30" /><col width="70" />';
  content += '<thead>';
  content += '<tr ><th scope="col">項目</th><th scope="col">內容</th></tr>';
  content += '</thead>';
  content += '<tbody>';
  content += '<tr><th scope="col" >類型</th><th scope="col">' + appType + '</th></tr>';
  content += '<tr><th scope="col" >帳號</th><th scope="col">' + acc + '</th></tr>';
  content += '<tr><th scope="col" >全名</th><th scope="col">' + fullName + '</th></tr>';
  content += '<tr><th scope="col" >日期</th><th scope="col">' + getDate + '</th></tr>';
  content += '<tr><th scope="col" >單位</th><th scope="col">' + org + '</th></tr>';
  content += '<tr><th scope="col" >郵件</th><th scope="col">' + email + '</th></tr>';
  content += '<tr><th scope="col" >申請人簽章</th><th scope="col"></th></tr>';
  content += '<tr><th scope="col" >系統權責審核</th><th scope="col"></th></tr>';
  content += '<tr><th scope="col" >資訊室權限設定</th> <th scope="col"></th></tr>';
  content += '</tbody>';
  content += '</table>';
  content += '<hr />';
  content += '<table class="table table-header table-hover table-bordered text-center" style="width: 100%;">';
  content += '<col width="30" /><col width="70" />';
  content += '<thead>';
  content += '<tr><th scope="col">項目</th><th scope="col">內容</th></tr>';
  content += '</thead>';
  content += '<tbody>';
  content += '<tr><th scope="col">帳號開通</th><th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">資訊室負責人</th></tr>';
  content += '<tr><th scope="col">業務</th><th scope="col" style="text-align: left;">業務負責</th></tr>';
  content += '</tbody>';
  content += '</table>';
  content += '<h5 style="text-align: right;">開放資料平台帳號申請/異動單 Ver.1.0</h5>';
  content += "</body></html>";
  document.body.innerHTML = content;
  document.title = '開放資料帳號申請-變更單 - ' + fullName;

  // print Page

  // restore the content for showing
  document.body.innerHTML = oldPage;
  document.title = oldTitle;
  • 加入此 register.js 入 resource.config 中

定義 helpers.py 函式

  • 伺服器用來取得資料庫內容
(default) $ vim /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/ckan/lib/helpers.py
  • 可以參考 helpers.py 定義與設定

  • 重啟 ckan 服務即可


  • 列印選項
(default) $ vim /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/ckan/templates/user/register_complete.html
  • 將 request body 傳入註冊頁面中 (修改 templates/user/register_complete.html )
{% block primary_content %}
  <section class="module">
    <div class="module-content">
      <h1 class="page-heading">
      {{ h.getLangLabel("Hi! " + crtUser + " has been registered on the platform","您好,帳號 " + crtUser + " 已於平台註冊完成") }}
      {# register document, and send request.body #}
      {% snippet 'snippets/register.html', reqBody = request.body %}
      <hr />
      {# contact document #}
      {% snippet 'snippets/contact.html' %}
{% endblock %}
  • 加入列印選項,修改 templates/snippets/register.html (需配合上述 javascript)
      <!-- -->

        <th scope="col">{{ h.getLangLabel("Activate account","帳號開通") }}</th>
        <th scope="col">

        {% if reqBody != '' %}

          {% set reqBody = reqBody %}
          {% set accName = h.getPostRequestParamValue(reqBody, 'name') %}
          {% set accOrgan = h.getPostRequestParamValue(reqBody, 'organ') %}

          <a href="#" onclick="javascript:printDiv('新增帳號','{{ accName }}','{{ h.getAccInfo('fullName', accName) }}', '{{ h.getAccInfo('getDate', '') }}', '{{ h.getAccInfo('org', accOrgan) }}', '{{ h.getAccInfo('email', accName) }}' );">{{ h.getLangLabel("Document Download","帳號審核文件下載") }}</a>

        {% else %}

          <a href="#" onclick="javascript:printDiv('', '', '', '', '', '' );">{{ h.getLangLabel("Document Download","帳號審核>文件下載") }}</a>

        {% endif %}


      <!-- -->
  • 類似結果如下圖


  • 加入功能於 templates/user/edit_user_form.html
    {# ... #}

    {% block delete_button %}
      {% if h.check_access('user_delete', {'id': data.id})  %}
        {% set locale = h.dump_json({'content': _('Are you sure you want to delete this User?')}) %}
        <a class="btn btn-danger pull-left" href="{% url_for controller='user', action='delete', id=data.id %}" data-module="confirm-action" data-module-i18n="{{ locale }}">{% block delete_button_text %}{{ _('Delete') }}{% endblock %}</a>
      {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}

    {# print application form #}
    {% if h.getUserState(data.id) == "inactive" %}
      {# not activated or locked #}
      <button class="btn btn-warning" onclick="javascript:printDiv('新增帳號','{{ data.name }}','{{ h.getAccInfo('fullName', data.name) }}', '{{ h.getAccInfo('getDate', '') }}', '{{ h.getAccInfo('org', data.organ) }}', '{{ h.getAccInfo('email', data.name) }}' );">{{ h.getLangLabel("Application","新增申請單") }}</button>
    {% else %}
      <button class="btn btn-warning" onclick="javascript:printDiv('修改帳號','{{ data.name }}','{{ h.getAccInfo('fullName', data.name) }}', '{{ h.getAccInfo('getDate', '') }}', '{{ h.getAccInfo('org', data.organ) }}', '{{ h.getAccInfo('email', data.name) }}' );">{{ h.getLangLabel("Change","變更申請單") }}</button>
    {% endif %}

    {# add activate or inactivate button #}
    {% if c.userobj.sysadmin %}
      {% if h.getUserState(data.id) == "inactive" %}
        {# current state is inactive #}
        <button class="btn btn-success" type="submit" name="activate" value="on">{{ h.getLangLabel("Activate","啟用") }}</button>
      {% else %}

      {# ... #}

results matching ""

    No results matching ""