
  • psycopg2 (PostgreSQL + Python)


  • constructed parameter:
    1. host : URL or IP
    2. port : postgresql server port
    3. db : database name as a string
    4. tb : table name as a string
    5. user : login user as a string
    6. pwd : the password as a string
# desc : constructor
# param@getTB : can be null when only using execsql()
def __init__(self, getHost, getPort, getDB, getTB, getUser, getPwd):


  • SELECT operation
    1. param@getConds : {}, defined where SQL conditions
    2. param@getParams : [], selected column names, empty : means all
    3. param@asdict : boolean, returned row as dictionary
    4. data as [] type
    5. also support status object, use status()
def select(self, getConds, getParams, asdict=False):
  • UPDATE operation
    1. param@getParams : {}, set sql parameters
    2. param@getConds : {}, where sql conditions
    3. retn : 0 : failure, 1 : success
    4. note : also support status object, use status()
def update(self, getParams, getConds)
  • INSERT operation
    1. param@getParams : {}, value sql parameters
    2. retn : 0 : failure, 1 : success
    3. note : also support status object, use status()
def insert(self, getParams)
  • DELETE operation
    1. param@getConds : {}, where sql conditions
    2. retn : 0 : failure, 1 : success
    3. note : also support status object, use status()
def delete(self, getConds)
  • Custom SQL operation
    1. param@getSQL : parameter-based complex sql command, e.g. "select * from public.user where name = %(name)s;"
    2. param@hasRetValue : are there returned values ?
    3. param@getParams : {} e.g. {'name' : "test114"}
    4. param@asdict : only works when param@hasRetValue is true, returned value as dictionary data type
    5. retn : return executing status
def execsql(self, getSQL, hasRetValue, getParams, asdict=True)
  • Get Table schema
    1. param@getTable : get desired table schema
    2. retn : status object
    3. note : when param@getTable == None, self.__tb must exist at the beginning of object creation
def getTableSchema(self, getTable=None)
  • Get the latest operation execution status
def status()
  • Create table : create table based on schema
    1. param@tableName : name of the table for creation
    2. param@tableSchema : { 'colName' : 'colSchema', '' : '' }
    3. param@dropFirst : whether to drop table first if it exists
    4. retn : None, call status() to get status object
def createTable(self, tableName, tableSchema, dropFirst=False)
  • Alter table : alter table schema
    1. param@tableName : table for altering
    2. param@tableSchema : { 'colName' : 'new col schema' }
    3. param@createTableFirstIfNotExisted : whether to create table first if table does not exist
    4. param@addColIfNotExisted : whether to add column if it does not exist
    5. param@theSameWithThisSchema : whether to fit the table with the input schema
    6. retn : None, call status() to get status object
    7. note : if addColIfNotExisted == False, the column for altering would be skipped
def alterTable(self, \
  tableName, \
  tableSchema, \
  createTableFirstIfNotExisted=True, \
  • Drop table
    1. param@tableName : table for droping
    2. retn : None, call status() to get status object
def dropTable(self, tableName)


# link to postgresql database
p2l = py2psql("","5432","ckan_default","public.user","ckan_default","ckan")

# returned status : call status()
# { "state" : [success|failure|warning], "info" : "message", "data" : []}

# example.1 get table schema
# 1.1
p2l = py2psql("","5432","ckan_default","public.user","ckan_default","ckan")
p2l.getTableSchema()  # default table, only fetches column name(desc[0])
# 1.2
p2l2 = py2psql("","5432","ckan_default","","ckan_default","ckan")
p2l2.getTableSchema("public.user",0)  # desired table
p2l2.getTableSchema("public.user",-1)  # fetch all description

# example.2 query data
# 2.1 select column name, email, 123 (not existing)
data ={where},[columns])
data ={"name":"test114"},["name","email","123"])
data ={"name":"test114"},[])
# 2.2 select column name, email, 123 (not existing) and also returned as dictionary
data ={where},[columns],asdict=True)
data ={"name":"test114"},["name","email","123"],asdict=True)
data ={"name":"test114"},[],asdict=True)

# example.3 update data
# 3.1

# example.4 insert data
# 4.1
p2l.insert({ data })
p2l.insert({ "id" : "acbdhcbdh-abchdbch", "name":"123","email":"123@tw" })

# example.5 delete data
# 5.1
p2l.delete({"name":"test1", "email":"test1@tw"})

# example.6 execsql data
# 6.1 only one function can create object without assigning table
p2l.execsql("sql command", is there returned value, {parameter : value})
p2l.execsql("select * from public.user where name = %(name)s;", True, {'name' : "test114"}, True)
# 6.2 get table list
p2l.execsql("select * from information_schema.tables where table_name = %(name)s;", True, {'name' : "user"})

# example.7 create data table
# 7.1 drop first
p2l.createTable("test", {"id" : "serial primary key", "context" : "text not null"}, dropFirst=True)

# example.8 alter data table
# 8.1 
p2l.alterTable("test", {"context" : "text"}, createTableFirstIfNotExisted=False, addColIfNotExisted=False, theSameWithThisSchema=True)

# example.9 drop data table
# 9.1

results matching ""

    No results matching ""