Unity originally is the cross-platform game engine, it is used to develop apps or games on Windows, macOS, Linux, android or iOS. Unity also supports OpenGL, WebGL-based games on the webpage, Playstation, XBox or Wii. In Unity, it supports PhysX (Physical Engine), particle engine and network connecting so as to shortening the developing peroid of game products. To develop products in Unity is also easy, it supports easy-to-use user interface like visual studio, etc.
As the reality design arises, unity is also regarded as a integrated or combined creation tool. It is used to model 3D objects, visualize buildings, or desgin the reality. The famous google VR (cardboard, daydreams), vuforia (a AR developing kit) and others tools (e.g. autocad) support unity design environment and use it as the key editor.
In the book, we try to introduce fundamental kenowledge and demostrate related operations to quickly get start a project or to find related steps.
In the document, all the procedures are demostrated on the following environment.
- Unity 5.6.3
- WIndows 10 64 bit
- Intel i5-2450M / NVidia GeForce GT 540M / 8G DDR3 1333 Memory
- User Interface
- Project Management
- View / Object Control
- GameObject / Prefab
- Asset Store
- Terrain Generator
- Tree Generator
- Sky Environment
- Light
- Import a 3D Modeling Object
- Create a 3D Character - First Person Controller
- Create a 3D Character - Third Person Controller
- Unity Official Website : https://unity3d.com/
- It includes lots of
,Asset Store
- It includes lots of
- 3D Character Controller :
- First Person Controller :
- Holistic3d on Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blO039OzUZc
- Third Person Controller
- John McElmurray (jm991) on github : https://github.com/jm991/UnityThirdPersonTutorial
- John McElmurray (jm991) on youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yOyO06xm34
- JianKaiWang on github
- First Person Controller :