Genome browser
- 說明包含 Ensembl, Havana and UCSC 等基因體搜尋工具的理論或技術。
- BLAST(Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) is analysis tools/suits of similarity between sequences with nucleotide or protein databases.
Multiple sequence alignment
- 多序列對準對於基因體、蛋白質體皆為基本概念,透過比對基因或胺基酸序列作為功能性等分析依據。
- The query system to NCBI databases, known as Entrez.
Pattern Recognition
- 遺傳分子紀錄著生物體的結構 (genotype),在遇到不同的環境下控制生物體運行的法則 (phenotype)。
Molecular Structure
- The protein conformation determines the function of the protein, however the key to the conformation change is the molecular structure transformation to environment changing.
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
- 次世代定序核心技術為一次打散多組相同的基因體並分別定序後,透過序列比對與重組而找出基因體完整序列。